Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fairfield Script

I've been primarily using this blog for visual projects, but since writing Fairfield has been a major project of mine since the end of 2006/beginning of 2007, and has again become my main focus approaching 2010, it seems wrong not to mention it on a blog about projects I'm working on.

I began the planning stages of Fairfield around the end of 2006 and wrote the original script for a class in my final semester at SFSU in 2007. I always wrote it with the intention to film it, which is a privilege not many writers get, and one that helps me greatly through the writing process since I can visualize who's going to be playing who, and can really hear a specific character's voice while I write. My previous film, Phat Tony, really lacked in the performance of the actors, and I don't feel that it was as much of a fault with the people in it, as it was a fault of poor casting on my end. In Phat Tony, I only thought visually of who would be good for the role, instead of thinking about actual personalities. I think the casting was greatly improved between the two films, and being able to have a casted film while writing it really helps with writing dialogue, especially for the more colorful characters like L Teezy Mac and Bruce in Fairfield.