Friday, February 18, 2011

Relief Carvings

Since my last line carving, I've been working on some simple relief carvings. So far they've all been Michigan-themed. I got all of the wood from The Architectural Salvage Warehouse of Detroit so parts of the wood were faded looking or pre-chipped, which I like in some cases and not as much in others.

This is the first one I did. I ended up not really liking the lettering because a) I free-handed it, which was stupid and b) they're just too large. Either too large or I shouldn't have carved out the whole letter and just left an outline.

The water tower in Ypsilanti.

I added a bear to this one, but didn't end up liking the carving around the bear and thought it would look better just around the state, which I changed in the next one. Also, I gave the bear an ear, which shouldn't have happened.

The most recent one I did and also my favorite.

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